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There are many ways in which to volunteer with Minjin in Moldova and Ukraine. We are in need of medical personnel, teams of electricians, plumbers, metalworkers, carpenters, tile and cement workers, as well as social workers, physical therapists, preachers and teachers, psychiatrists, psychologists, aid workers, as well as anyone with a strong back, a readiness to adapt, and a willingness to serve. Teams of workers who come for short-term assignments will, apart from airfare, be provided for by Minjin and our partners. Transportation within country will be provided. The accommodation and food may be basic, but it will be more than sufficient.
What follows may seem heartless, but it's important. Over the course of the last year we have had the pleasure of hosting many volunteers. Most of them have been amazing partners, and have truly helped us accomplish our mission. One or two, though, despite coming with the best of intentions, were not prepared for the realities of life in countries in which situations change rapidly and the dangers are real. We are thankful for the willingness of these good folk, but you will understand, we hope, that much of our time was taken up by meeting their needs instead of co-leading the team in the work they came to do.

If you feel the Lord calling you to serve with Minjin, wonderful! But don't respond to that call by buying a plane ticket. Pray first. Pray with your family, friends, and church. Then, if you still feel called, let us know how you feel best equipped to serve and your availability and. very likely, we'll find a place for you. Email Barbara at,  to get started. Also, if you want to assemble a team from your church, family, group or organization, please let Barb know. God bless.

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